Jack Sprat…

Jack Sprat could eat no fatHis wife could eat no leanAnd so betwixt the two of themThey licked the platter clean.So that is life at House Hydrangeas since Monday. Malka Palka Pooka Palka, being UNDER 2 years old, needs FULL FAT foods for her brain development. That's full fat dairy, full fat cottage cheese, full … Continue reading Jack Sprat…

Jack Sprat…

Jack Sprat could eat no fatHis wife could eat no leanAnd so betwixt the two of themThey licked the platter clean.So that is life at House Hydrangeas since Monday. Malka Palka Pooka Palka, being UNDER 2 years old, needs FULL FAT foods for her brain development. That's full fat dairy, full fat cottage cheese, full … Continue reading Jack Sprat…