The Irony of not blogging about it, so as to avoid a jinx…

Back when Malka was a beginning, and new process, I blogged about many “situations,” aka, phone calls from our adoption agency, Spence-Chapin.  This time around, I’ve been more vague, less willing to share.  Is it because I respect my family’s privacy more? Am I a lazy bum? Are we even MORE afraid of the “evil eye?” (spit, spit, knock wood, keinihora!)

So I must confess, that we are in the middle of “situation #3” since our homestudy for #2 was approved on August 4th.  We always went into this thinking it would take forever, and in the end? Malka was our 9th “situation,” and she was born 42 weeks after our homestudy was approved.  Spooky.  Also? At the time? Our social worker was 7 months pregnant.  And placement happened in February of 2006.

If all goes as scheduled (knock wood, spit, spit, kieinhora, Keyn Yehe Ratzon,) the birth mother we met with last week will go in and sign surrender papers on Wednesday.  Placement could be Wednesday, February 4th.


Since I’ve been on the Lexapro, all of my anxiety now goes to my abdomen.

So no jumping up and down yet, but I AM asking for some good vibes to be tossed out into the universe.  I PROMISE to keep y’all updated.  Thanks for sticking around…

21 thoughts on “The Irony of not blogging about it, so as to avoid a jinx…

  1. Oh big positive thoughts coming your way. How very, very exciting! Fingers, toes, feet, boobs, all of it crossed for you and the birth family and the baby!

  2. OMG Shelli, we’ll have another set of twins! Cooper will be born no later than 2/13th. What a trip, each of the girls will have their own running buddy when we see you guys again. Do you know gender yet? So, so excited for you all? How does Malka feel about being a big sister, is she talking about it much?

    I have been itching for updates and am so so so so glad that you are blogging about this! Sending you SO SO SO SO SO much love and hope and GOOD ENERGY and positive vibes and PLEASE UNIVERSE!
    You all are in my heart.

  4. I’ve been reading your blog since I encountered your journey at Fertility Friend over 3 years ago. I’m thrilled by your good news and hope it moves to even better news.

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